Frank Furius

All about me.


I'm Frank Furius.

"Designing is a matter of concentration. You go deep into what you want to do. It's about intensive research, really. The concentration is warm and intimate and like the fire inside the earth - intense but not distorted."

Frank Furius

My Skills

I'm moving boundaries.

photoshop 70%
html5 87%
wordpress 64%
css3 93%
php 72%
Fully customizable

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Unlimited options

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Retina ready

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

100% responsive

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Smooth parallax

Play fullscreen video.

My Process

My creative process.

Research & fieldwork.

Pellentesque suscipit ante neque ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor suscipit.

Creating a strategy.

Pellentesque suscipit ante neque ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor suscipit.

Design & development.

Pellentesque suscipit ante neque ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor suscipit.

Deploying the product.

Pellentesque suscipit ante neque ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor suscipit.

totally responsive
Experience are unmatchable.

Praesent sed nisi eleifend, fermentum orci amet, iaculis libero. Pellentesque suscipit ante at ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor.

Show your works with style.

Praesent sed nisi eleifend, fermentum orci amet, iaculis libero. Pellentesque suscipit ante at ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor.

Save your money
Premium plugins included for you.

Praesent sed nisi eleifend, fermentum orci amet, iaculis libero. Pellentesque suscipit ante at ullamcorper pulvinar neque porttitor.
